
Released an album...
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Author:  mook [ Sat May 01, 2010 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Released an album...

Indeed, after five years of working on stuff I've finally put together and album and got it out there :D

Album is called Sundown and is a collection of 15 down tempo chillout tracks. I've put it out independantly under the name of K-Toh and it's now up on various download sites including iTunes and Amazon mp3.

My website is http://k-toh.com from which you can stream it to your hearts content and get access to the downloads if desired. I'm on MySpace here - http://myspace.com/ektoh - and will set up a Facebook page presently. It was sorted through ReverbNation - http://reverbnation.com/ktoh - and can be streamed and downloaded from there too.

Anyhoo, have a listen, let me know what you reckon. Work on a second album is underway, though it's a long process.

Rock on!

Author:  two_OH_five [ Sat May 01, 2010 11:37 am ]
Post subject: 

"Haunt me" is excellent. Right up my proverbial :D

Author:  Sunny [ Sat May 01, 2010 12:43 pm ]
Post subject: 


meanwhile i listen your music an hour or so and must say i love it 8)


Author:  mook [ Sat May 01, 2010 8:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice one, thanks guys. Don't forget to bookmark the page and stream at your liesure :D

Author:  Sunny [ Tue May 04, 2010 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: 


i downloaded the album yet from amazon, all tracks are great, especially Hount Me & Requires Work 8)

i'am glad to wait for your 2nd album.....


Author:  mook [ Wed May 12, 2010 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks mate, appreciate it :)

First track of the second album is on the Reverb site now for streaming, second one just needs a few tweaks and will be posted up presently...

Getting a new bit of bit to enable me to plug the guitar into the PC and run it through a host of virtual amp settings, will help me get a bit more creative and original :D

Author:  mook [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Got a couple of more new tracks up since the last update, including an epic ambient track called Saturn, which features some of the radio transmissions cought from the planet by the passing Cassini spacecraft - all very authentic :)

Author:  Diceman [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice work Mook, a few questions/suggestions/critical analysis (not that I am an expert but I do listen to lots of music :-) )

1) what quality/bit rate are the downloads available at?
2) are you on spotify?
3) A lot of the music seems ideal for TV adverts and documentries - see "DJ Shadow - Endtroducing" for similar emotional type music. Have you licensed it for this use?
4) Having read your web site I think your description of music for a hip jazz bar type thing is spot on. Not too in your face. You have got some cracking bass lines & sequences my only criticism is that maybe the music needs more of a journey - I suspect the addition of guitar/chorus section may provide you with more options?

Keep it up fella :-)

Author:  mook [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:35 am ]
Post subject: 

JP > Thanks for the feedback mate, always appreciated, and you don't need to be an expert to know if you like something or not!

To answer the questions;

1) Downloads are mp3 at 320kbps, so the same as mainstream mp3 download music. I save down my originals as 16 bit 44.1kHz wav files, again the same as mainstream CD audio quality, and also 24 bit 44.1kHz files for my own use - uploads are always generated at the same spec as that provided, ensuring there's no dithering or digital artifacts inserted in the file :)

2) I'll have to check my distribution info on that, but I think Spotify may be part of the 'pro' distribution package as opposed to the 'basic' which I'm currently using.

3) The tracks on the first album, having been officially released, are coded with ISRC numbers (similar to an ISBN for a book) so any use of the music is tracked via the two main licencing bodies from which royalties would be awarded as necessary. I am wanting to try and get a deal for TV/film/media work as I think it would be the best way to expose and utilise the kind of stuff I do.

4) With regards to creating a journey - my methods are always evolving and I think I'm always improving things to add that extra motion into them. I do like to keep a certain amount of repetition for the sake of familiarity, rythm and 'trance' undertones, nothing like a predictable 4x4 beat to soothe you.

That said, that can be achieved in a number of ways and leaves plenty of room for other things to evolve, wax and wane and come into the picture in a more unexpected way to keep things fresh and going forward. Have learnt so many tricks over the years, it's always fun finding new ways to create effects and sounds that are new yet somehow familiar.

Use of different instruments and of course vocals is the easiest way to add more movement. I'm not comfortable enough to try doing any vocals myself, but want to introduce more within the tracks - will have to scrawl through some of the myriad sample libraries to see what I can come up with :)

Author:  Diceman [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi mook,
I spent yesterday listening via spotify so yes you are on there :-) Ideal music to soothe the stress of the construction industry :-)

1) Nice to see that you have catered for decent sample rates. I am an audiophile so quality of source music is very important to me. It is the reason that I never download music though. Have you considered offering a lossless (Flac/WAV or WMA lossless) download for extra money? I assume this is part of your "distribution package" so maybe out of your control. I am getting on to whole different subject which I have moaned and whined about enough to anyone who will listen WRT music quality - I will shut up...
2) covered - I will probably bump up your spotify income & popularity :-)
3) sounds like you have it covered - good move IMHO. Some of your music is very soothing, maybe also try and market to health spas and the "meditation industry" it may sound rather left field but I have found numerous cracking artists that mumsy was listening to whilst going "umbadee umbadee ummm" there was actualy a catalogue of music to go "umbadee" to! First heard lorenna McKennit and Deep Forest before they were main stream on those.
4) I did try making music back in the day and my efforts were rather poor - even I knew it :-) So you have my utmost respect for the quality of stuff you are putting out. Having had a listen again there are a couple of tracks that really are bloody good. As you say I think it is a learning experience with music and you never stop learning.

Good luck m8.

Author:  two_OH_five [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you ever see a 7" record (real black plastic thing) by Steve and the Spacecadet please buy it for me

Made silly cheap at uni when CDs had begun to kill vinyl and sold enough white label copies to local shops in Reading area to almost cover the cost. Think the Grid meets up with 808 State and has a one night stand with Grandmaster Flash. All cooked up by a pair of drunk students........

I made my copy into a bloomin ashtray. Ah, the botomless stupidity of youth

Author:  Muddy Water [ Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very much liked Saturn...quite enya(esc).

If you ever need a professional vocalist to add "air-rated" vocals my girlfriend can do it - she's done that sort of thing before.
She's been a musician for over 30 years and currently (last 10 years) been doing a solo act in mainly British Legion/Working mens clubs.
She is extremely talented and has an adaptable vocal ability.
She can also improvise very well.

If you need any more info. or details...give me shout.

Author:  mook [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the info mate, appreciate it. Don't think I'll be needing live vocals just yet but I'll keep it in mind if the need arises :)

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